Like every girl, I have insecurities and one of them was always brought to my attention when I wear my hair up. I sometimes thought my ear lobes were far too large and the single peircing in each lobe only amplified it. To a “normal” bystander I am sure my ear lobes weren’t even noticibly that large but in my mind they were something I needed to somehow change. The simplest solution I could come up with was to add more earrings to take up all that extra space. I decided spur of the moment to get 2 more holes pierced in each ear lobe. Some friends came to visit me at work and conveniently I had a coffee break coming up so I had them tag along with me for moral support. Lisa and Nicole were such great entertainment support during the whole “tramatizing” process. $130 and three suckers (two for my amazing supporters) later I have 2 more sparkly studs in each ear, my lobes look avergae size and barely any pain was felt!